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The *Worst* Class Intro I'll Ever Make (Hopefully)

Also the best, most middling, and only! Plus some things I learned during the making.

This post is to drop the trailer for my upcoming Skillshare class, which should hopefully be released sometime next week!

But it’s also to talk about some things that were made abundantly clear to me during the course of creating my class.

  1. Doing new things is hard.

  2. The only way to get better at something is to push past the discomfort and actually do the damn thing.

Which is why I am posting this trailer. I mean yeah, marketing etc. and all that. I have to tell people about my class if I want anyone to take it after all.

But also because I just have to push past the feelings of nerves and vulnerability and share what I made with the world.

Because if I don’t then what was the point in making it?

Did I spend hours planning, writing, filming, re-filming, learning the blasted software just to squirrel it away on my hard drive only to be seen by myself?

Of course not!

So yeah. This post is to share the trailer of the totally awesome class I made that will be available on Skillshare next week.

It’s also to tell you those things I just told you.

It’s also to tell you:

If you’ve made the thing, whether that’s your art, your writing, or a class you made – don’t squirrel it away. Share it loudly and often! You made that. It was hard work and it deserves to live in the sun.

And if you’re new to something, like I am to making a class. Just remember, if you keep doing the thing, you’ll get better.

Even in the short time I’ve been working on this class, I’ve found that to be true. Day 1 of making the class versus Day Now are already very different. I’ve (mostly) learned how to use Adobe Premiere for one thing. But I’ve also focused the things I wanted to say over time and how I wanted to communicate them to my future students. I’ve learned to speak more confidently to the camera and to (mostly) stop looking away while talking 😂.

Those things will just keep improving if I keep going.

One day this will be the worst class intro I’ve ever made. Instead of the worst, best, and only 😂. I look forward to that day.

I look forward to the day I can sheepishly proudly tell my future students about how “rough” my first class was. Future me will have made loads of classes by then. And each one will be better than the last as I keep practicing. As I keep being bad at it, and uncomfortable with, and just plain new to it but doing it anyways.

So yeah, maybe that’s actually the point of this. To tell you:

Do it anyways.

I’ll post more about the class next week, if you’re interested. For now, as ever, thanks for reading 😊

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